Lots of Mayfly but no fish feeding on the surface? Try an Emerger pattern. The last 2 days with the cooler weather down here has seen me guiding on river "X". Yesterday saw several missed chances - got to be super quick on the strike. I have been running a tundten beaded PT with and emeger dropper ( a special home tie pattern) and have had great success. Yesterday saw two 9lbs brown trout to the bank. Today same river, much lower down on the system, same rig and 9 fish hooked with 3 lost.
As I said in the last post the cold weather would make the difference and it certainly has. The mayfly is on but make sure you choose the right method of attack - surface has not been working but sub-surface with the emerger has. Tommorrow may be different but then again maybe not! Choosing the right rig and fly's for the conditions at the time is a big part of the fly fishing game.
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