Hi there - I have been busy developing my new blog and website:
so please go check it out.
I have been working away on developing some new fly fishing expeditions for the serious fly fisher so keep your eyes out for the new expeditions when the info goes live on the site. I will post another blog to let you all know.
In the meantime ----- One of the more grunty weather systems has been smashing southern NZ over the last 72 hrs and the worst of it is arriving now and for the next 24 hrs. Snow has fallen to very low levels over the South Island and Mt Hutt in Canterbury has received well over a meter of snow and may end up with a excellent base going into the ski season.
NZ Fly Fishing Expeditions - Fresh snow
NZ Fly Fishing Expeditions - Fresh snow
It has been a while since I have fished in conditions that require de-icing of the fishing rod guides and at the moment I am not rushing out the door to experience it. The extremely cold blustery southerly that is blowing has certainly got my hopes up for a good duck shoot this afternoon.
There looks like there could be a few small gaps in the weather next week so there could be some good options to get out then - if I can find a stable couple of days together we are going to try to get into Fiordland for a late season hit on some of the big browns that are getting ready for spawning.
The reports of a long and cold winter ahead of us may well becoming true and it will interesting to see if it translates into big snow which will then make for some big run off come spring time through the rivers systems. If the winter is long and cold it will also have and effect on the health of the trout at the beginning of the season - it will take longer for them to put condition back on.
Fly Fishing New Zealand Trout
Fly fishing for trout in New Zealand is one of life's great pleasures!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Fly Fishing Late Season in The South Island of New Zealand
Lots of Mayfly but no fish feeding on the surface? Try an Emerger pattern. The last 2 days with the cooler weather down here has seen me guiding on river "X". Yesterday saw several missed chances - got to be super quick on the strike. I have been running a tundten beaded PT with and emeger dropper ( a special home tie pattern) and have had great success. Yesterday saw two 9lbs brown trout to the bank. Today same river, much lower down on the system, same rig and 9 fish hooked with 3 lost.
As I said in the last post the cold weather would make the difference and it certainly has. The mayfly is on but make sure you choose the right method of attack - surface has not been working but sub-surface with the emerger has. Tommorrow may be different but then again maybe not! Choosing the right rig and fly's for the conditions at the time is a big part of the fly fishing game.
brown trout,
fly fishing,
New Zealand,
new zealand fly fishing,
Lates Season Fishing down South New Zealand
The last week since Easter has seen some odd warm (ish) weather with quite large quanties of precip falling west of the divide with some signifacnt spill over. The eastern side has not recieved too much rain but with the temps being warmer (until now) on top of the large floods we recieved about 3 weeks ago in many areas have certainly taken a toll on the the big mayfly hatchs we normally get. Although there has been some good steady action on the lower Mataura and yesterday on the upper “X” saw a good mid afternnon hatch of mayfly with fish feeding on the sub surface on the emerger but no actual surface action.
With the cold and clear weather on us now and steady thru to Friday there should be stronger hatches and we should see trout coming to the surface to sip the mayfly a great deal more on most of the Southern rivers.
With only 9 days left to go before the lowland rivers close it’s nice to see some stable weather for a change. This season has certainly been hard due to the very chanageable weather patterns but with good local knowledge has produces some great fishing at times.
The back country rivers stay open until the end of May and if the weather patterns give us some decent weather there will be some more good fishing available for the keen angler.
I am starting to get ready for some duck shooting and have been bringing bags of feed back from Southland to feed our ponds - (evening shoots preferred) but I will get in a bit more trout fishing before I head up to Golden Bay in mid May for a wee break. I am taking some saltwater fly fishing gear in the vain hope there might be some snapper around still (they usually move on around the end of April to follow the warm water) - we will see.
NZ Fly Fishing Expeditions - Back country Rainbow
NZ Fly Fishing Expeditions - Back country Rainbow
My last few days of guiding have been interesting from the tuition front. An interesting point is how detrimental to good fly casting is the habit of wanting to overmuscle the rod to load it up as opposed to allowing good technique to work the rod and allow for clean excution of the presentation. It’s something we are all gulity of now and again and is probably excerbated by “hog fever” and trying too hard rather than feeling the smooth rhythm of good fly casting. To be sure powering the rod up takes musclar activity and especially so when it comes distance casting but the majority of trout we catch is in a 30 -45 ft distance using long (and sometimes very long) leaders. Having the skills to deliver an acurate cast the right length, first time can make a huge difference to the results at the end of the day…….practice your casting. Make the time to practice particularly before going on a trip. Practice casting is best done on the grass in the park and not while seeing a 8+ lbs New Zealand feeding parked in a tricky pool eye. Yes life is busy but do yourself a favour - PRACTICE - it will pay off!
With the cold and clear weather on us now and steady thru to Friday there should be stronger hatches and we should see trout coming to the surface to sip the mayfly a great deal more on most of the Southern rivers.
With only 9 days left to go before the lowland rivers close it’s nice to see some stable weather for a change. This season has certainly been hard due to the very chanageable weather patterns but with good local knowledge has produces some great fishing at times.
The back country rivers stay open until the end of May and if the weather patterns give us some decent weather there will be some more good fishing available for the keen angler.
I am starting to get ready for some duck shooting and have been bringing bags of feed back from Southland to feed our ponds - (evening shoots preferred) but I will get in a bit more trout fishing before I head up to Golden Bay in mid May for a wee break. I am taking some saltwater fly fishing gear in the vain hope there might be some snapper around still (they usually move on around the end of April to follow the warm water) - we will see.
NZ Fly Fishing Expeditions - Back country Rainbow
NZ Fly Fishing Expeditions - Back country Rainbow
My last few days of guiding have been interesting from the tuition front. An interesting point is how detrimental to good fly casting is the habit of wanting to overmuscle the rod to load it up as opposed to allowing good technique to work the rod and allow for clean excution of the presentation. It’s something we are all gulity of now and again and is probably excerbated by “hog fever” and trying too hard rather than feeling the smooth rhythm of good fly casting. To be sure powering the rod up takes musclar activity and especially so when it comes distance casting but the majority of trout we catch is in a 30 -45 ft distance using long (and sometimes very long) leaders. Having the skills to deliver an acurate cast the right length, first time can make a huge difference to the results at the end of the day…….practice your casting. Make the time to practice particularly before going on a trip. Practice casting is best done on the grass in the park and not while seeing a 8+ lbs New Zealand feeding parked in a tricky pool eye. Yes life is busy but do yourself a favour - PRACTICE - it will pay off!
brown trout,
fly fishing,
New Zealand,
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Easter Fishing down South NZ

Thursday as promised the storm had passed and snow was lying low in the mountains we shot down to the Upper M for the afternoon. The river was still up and slightly discoloured but clean enough to spot to about waist deep. We found some nice trout and managed to hook 2 - one to the bank which was about a 5.5 lb jack fish in excellent condition. Very light mayfly hatch around 3 o’clock but no real surface activity.
Easter Friday saw us in Central for the day on the M with excellent conditions, blue bird and no wind. My beginners managed 4 to the bank nothing big, nice 2-3 lbs fish. In the back ground the sound of distant gun fire was echoing thru the valley due to the great Easter bunny hunt - teams of 10 head out on to different farms to help clear the rabbits - each team expects over the 48 hour shoot to nail about 1000 bunnies. With 20 teams out there blasting away you can imagine the sound!
The big O has been producing some good mayfly hatches between 1 and 4 pm and resulting in some nice fresh run trout - still quite full.
Reports from friends driving past the rivers has been plenty of fisherman out enjoying the long Easter weekend with anglers vehicles parked up all over the shop.
brown trout,
New Zealand,
South Island
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Autumn fishing is here.
Daylight saving time has changed back (thank goodness), the leaves are changing colour and there is one month left for the lowland rivers (the ones that run to the sea)these close on the last day of April and the high country rivers close at the end of May.
There is some great fishing from now until the end of the season with some good Mayfly action.
The Pommy had a very big and quite localised rain event about 2 weeks ago that created a very large flood event (it also hit the Waikaia but not as bad) which has seen debris left to very high levels up the banks and has certainly pushed fish back downstream and knocked them about. They will be moving up again.
The Oreti and Aparima have seen fresh fish moving up in last week and spawning runs are getting underway. It is no longer possible to target salmon in these systems due to the seasonal license restrictions in place from F&G. Even on poor light days blinding thru runs and riffles should produce a result or two - forget the aquarium pools unless you want to hit them after dark.
The Greenstone is now free slather (no booking system) again for all (if you have the correct licensing)until next season and is fishing well. The Caples is also fishing well and both are holding good numbers of fish and more Brownies are showing up in the systems. Even getting trout coming for cicadas still!
If you want to catch lots of fish, hitting the Mataura and working the riffles and waiting for the afternoon mayfly hatch is the way forward.
Quinnet salmon have been gathering at the heads of the lakes for their runs and the deltas have been productive.
Certainly now the days are shorter more gentlemanly fishing hours are available and there is some very productive fishing during the shorter light hours - particualry mid afternoon when the hatch is on!
Tight Lines,
brown trout,
fly fishing,
New Zealand,
new zealand fly fishing,
new zeland,
SW Guiding,
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
SW Guiding Fly Fishing Report 24.03.09
Well I have just had a busy last week guiding and there has been some excellent fly fishing opportunities as our season runs into Autumnal conditions. We have a month to go before the South Island's low country rivers close at the end of April and another month until the end of May when the high country rivers close here in the South Island.
It's a great time to be out on the water with very few anglers around compared to the main summer months and with some great mayfly action coming up until the end of the season you knwo I will be out there getting stuck into it.
It's a great time to be out on the water with very few anglers around compared to the main summer months and with some great mayfly action coming up until the end of the season you knwo I will be out there getting stuck into it.
New Zealand,
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Update from Fly fishing New Zealand
I am just about to post a vid blog but in the mean time:
The lower 1/3rd of the South Isalnd has been fishing well.
The Cicada season on the west coast is at an end and in-land has been reltively poor due to the regular cold snaps we have been getting over summer killing off the grub.
Sea runs have started appearing in some of our better know sea running rivers and also chinnook salmon are showing up. The Clutha River belkow Roxburgh is one example of this where a solid amount of large salmon have been caught.
The latest cold snap produced teh coldest day in QT in March since 1991 and also a solid flush thru most of the river systems. This should only help induce more fish to run up these systems and we are lookinglike getting some excellent mid to late season fishing.
Tight Lines,
The lower 1/3rd of the South Isalnd has been fishing well.
The Cicada season on the west coast is at an end and in-land has been reltively poor due to the regular cold snaps we have been getting over summer killing off the grub.
Sea runs have started appearing in some of our better know sea running rivers and also chinnook salmon are showing up. The Clutha River belkow Roxburgh is one example of this where a solid amount of large salmon have been caught.
The latest cold snap produced teh coldest day in QT in March since 1991 and also a solid flush thru most of the river systems. This should only help induce more fish to run up these systems and we are lookinglike getting some excellent mid to late season fishing.
Tight Lines,
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Summer Time and Cicada's
We had a great weekend's Safari fly fishing trip to a remote backcountry river and the cicada's were going off. Check out A 70's Safari Party clip!
I am now away again for a 2 day trip into Southland and the weather is looking great so no doubt more terrestials will get used to tempt the hungry trout to the surface.
We are staring to see more settle weather coming thru but as always the odd frontal system has been coming in but moving out quickly as the next good high ridges in so now is a great time to be Fly Fishing New Zealand
I am now away again for a 2 day trip into Southland and the weather is looking great so no doubt more terrestials will get used to tempt the hungry trout to the surface.
We are staring to see more settle weather coming thru but as always the odd frontal system has been coming in but moving out quickly as the next good high ridges in so now is a great time to be Fly Fishing New Zealand
New Zealand,
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
SW Guiding New Zealand Fly Fishing Report 12.02.09
Fly Fishing New Zealand Video Blog
New Zealand,
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Handcrafted Bamboo Rod update

Chris Carlin of Far North Rod Smiths emailed me yesterday to say that he had finished making my rod and is starting the big journey to NZ. I will be hooking up with Chris when he gets down my way and will be looking after him on the water for a day'a real New Zealand fly fishing and get him into some big South Island brown trout. Maybe I wil get a chance to cast the rod? Probably another day!
He sent me some photos of the bamboo rod, a 8'6" 5wt 3 piece of handcrafted beauty. I greatly admire the skill and effort that goes into making rods like this. Even many of the tools required to make these stunning rods can't be bought but have to be made by the rod maker themselves.
Check out the accompanying photos and remember to give Chris a buzz (when he finishes his NZ vacation) and order yourself one of his stunning rods - it will be a rod for life!
Tight Lines,
New Zealand,
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Fly Fishing New Zealand - another summer week
Oh, the NZ school holidays are finished so most Kiwis are back at work until the weekend so its a great time to becoming fly fishing in New Zealand over the next few months.
New Zealand,
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Beautiful Hand Crafted Rods
Through a network of like minds i.e. serious trout heads, I have been in touch with a very highly regarded rod maker, Chris Carlin of Far North Rods Smiths and he will be out visiting later this year
If anybody is interested in getting a beautifully crafted bamboo rod this is definitely the guy to build one for you.
If anybody is interested in getting a beautifully crafted bamboo rod this is definitely the guy to build one for you.
brown trout,
new zeland,
rainbow trout,
South Island,
SW Guiding
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