Fly Fishing New Zealand Trout

Fly fishing for trout in New Zealand is one of life's great pleasures!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

SW Guiding Fly Fishing Report 24.03.09

Well I have just had a busy last week guiding and there has been some excellent fly fishing opportunities as our season runs into Autumnal conditions. We have a month to go before the South Island's low country rivers close at the end of April and another month until the end of May when the high country rivers close here in the South Island.

It's a great time to be out on the water with very few anglers around compared to the main summer months and with some great mayfly action coming up until the end of the season you knwo I will be out there getting stuck into it.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

SW Guiding - Fly Fishing New Zealand Report 13.03.09

Update from Fly fishing New Zealand

I am just about to post a vid blog but in the mean time:

The lower 1/3rd of the South Isalnd has been fishing well.

The Cicada season on the west coast is at an end and in-land has been reltively poor due to the regular cold snaps we have been getting over summer killing off the grub.

Sea runs have started appearing in some of our better know sea running rivers and also chinnook salmon are showing up. The Clutha River belkow Roxburgh is one example of this where a solid amount of large salmon have been caught.

The latest cold snap produced teh coldest day in QT in March since 1991 and also a solid flush thru most of the river systems. This should only help induce more fish to run up these systems and we are lookinglike getting some excellent mid to late season fishing.

Tight Lines,
